Some funny stuff from the boys over the last month or so, via facebook statuses (statusi?)
8-9 While playing at the park
N - Hey mom, I found a new kid. Do you like him? I don't have his name.
8-5 After waiting for MONTHS for K to fit into a really cute shirt, he finally fit into it. About an hour after I put it on him, he managed to find a pair of scissors and cut 3 rather large holes into it.
8-5 Noah saw a can of carrots sitting on the counter and asked for some for breakfast. 10 minutes later he handed me the empty can.
8-1 N - Mom, where's the tape measure?
E - Why do you need the tape measure
N - To measure something, cuz I'm Bob the Builder!
7-27 N - I want Santa to come over today
7-25 While we were playing outside Noah said he wanted a drink, so I told him to go in and get one, thinking he'd get the drink he had left on the table. Instead he climbed on the counter, got a cup out, and filled it with water from the fridge. A little bit later he said he wanted a piece of toast, so he went inside, climbed on the counter, and made himself a piece of toast.
7-25 N - April fools Mommy! April fools Kaiden!
7-19 K found a pack of Pez, and was really determined to eat some, to the point where he just ate right through the package.
7-18 Noah woke up and decided that we're going to the library, aquarium, farm, and dinosaur museum.
7-15 At Discovery Gardens, K somehow managed to get into the middle of the Float a Boat pond. Thankfully he has a natural knowledge of how to float, and dog paddle.
7-13 While I was talking on the phone with my mom I said "I'm dying for a subway sandwich". Noah was really concerned and said "Mom you're dying?!"
7-12 At Costco N - Look Mommy, a brown one!
E - a brown what?
N - a brown kid!
E - *facepalm* we need to get out of Utah county more often
7-10 Noah is determined that we're going sledding.
7-9 K discovered that post-it notes are a great toy.
7-8 Three year old + sleeping bag = AWESOME
7-7 N - Hey look, we have two of them dude. haha, I just said dude.
Easy Banana Cream Pie Recipe
1 year ago