Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday Adventures

You are on my black list. And we're still waiting for you to call us back. Losers.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bowflex Select Tech 552

Yeah, we own them now.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Week of Blah

I've decided to try and post something at least once a week. This is made much more difficult by the fact that NOTHING interesting has happened this week. I've been spending quite a bit of time at my mom's house in an attempt to get Noah used to being over there. He's going to stay there while Zander and I go to California for a week. I'm starting to get really really excited about the idea of being able to stay up late and sleep in for a week. Not to mention we're going to a bunch of theme parks, and will likely hit up a hot tub at least once or twice.

We found out yesterday that in an attempt to not have to do layoffs Zander's company will not be giving any raises or bonuses this year. I'm glad that they're resorting to that instead of layoffs, but it still really sucks that we're missing out on a raise that he was promised when he was hired on last year. Oh well. Thus is life in our present economy

I finished reading Atlas Shrugged a week or so ago and absolutely LOVED it. For anyone who isn't intimidated by big fat long books (it's 1000+ pages of tiny print) I highly recommend you try this one out. It's very political, and has a lot to do with economic strategies, but it's really really good. Think 1984, but actually a good book.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Eight Months

Noah is now just over eight months and is entering the exploration stage of life. Also known as the "always dirty and covered in bruises" stage. Thankfully we've been able to keep fairly clean and bruise free so far. Here are some of the interesting things Noah has discovered in the last few weeks , large since he acquired his new found knowledge of army-crawling.

1. Mommy has ears. Well, at least a right ear. The left is yet undiscovered
2. Doors open and close
3. Doors also have those cool door stoppers on them that make an awesome noise
4. Every item in every room that he shouldn't be playing with
5. Some things are fun to chase around the room, the dog, the pilates ball, Mommy...
6. Drooling. Yesterday he was in push-up position watching his drool drip onto the carpet
7. His bib
8. Baskets are more fun to empty than they are to fill
9. Growling sounds. These were discovered cuz he had a cold and all sorts of junk in his throat
10. The nose bulb sucker thing isn't always a nice toy. Sometimes it has to be a nose sucker thing.

Yes, he did get a slight cold. Sunday night a few weeks ago he woke up around 10:30 which is really unusual for him. He usually sleeps 12 hours straight without any problem. I let him cry for a little while but he just didn't sound good, so I went in to calm him down. Once I was in there and holding him I could tell that he was just super super congested. So I found the nose bulb and went at his nose, which caused lots more crying. I got it all cleared out and he went back to bed. He had a slight fever a few days later, and the snotty nose/congestion stuck around for about a week. Then he coughed for a couple of days, and now he's back to normal. Of course about 4 days after he got sick he gave it to me as well, so one way or another I was dealing with snot for almost two weeks.