Saturday we were still really tired from all the stuff we had done the day before, so we finished up some of the moving, but mostly were lazy all morning. Around 3 I needed to get out of the house so we ran over to wal-mart to get a few random things we needed. When we got home we found out that my nephew Marshall had a fever so we weren't going to be able to take Noah over to Dan and Krystal's so we could go on a date night. Dan, being stubborn as he is about our babysitting trades, essentially told us that he'd come over and watch Noah at our place. Which meant that we had about an hour to finish up moving and decorating, and get everything clean. Overall it was a good thing, cuz I don't think that I would have had the motivation to get it done otherwise. So Dan got here and Z and I took off on our date.
First of all, I was just excited to not have to drive or be in my car to go somewhere! Although I'm so used to driving that anyone else's driving (ahem, Zander) kind of scares me, but it was still nice to not have to drive. The original plan was to go to a movie and then hit up a quick dinner afterwards, but we had grabbed a late lunch around 3, and had popcorn in the movie, so we weren't hungry when we were done. The movie itself was surprisingly good. We went to New Moon. After how AWFUL the first movie was, I really wasn't expecting much out of this one, just hoping that it would be better since it had a different director. I was pleasantly surprised with this movie. It stuck to the central storyline very well, the acting was better (due to the abscense of Robert Pattison), and there was some really cool animation with the wolves and vamps fighting in various scenes. Overall, a good movie, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again. It gets a 4 on my scale.
As we were getting out of the theater (ok, while we were in the movie) Luca and Liv called to see if we wanted to play games. They met up with us at our place around 9:30 with the stipulation that any games needed to be mindless. So we found some mindless games, had some good mindless fun, then all went to our various beds and crashed. Overall, a great day.
Easy Banana Cream Pie Recipe
11 months ago