I don't like my name, and haven't for a really long time. Part of it is that it's such an incredibly common name, but mostly, I've never felt like it was mine. But I also don't know what I should be called instead, so I'll have to stick with what I have. Cooking failures frustrate me more than just about anything else in the world. In regards to cooking, I love trying new recipes and new ethnic foods. i love Thai food, and could eat it on a weekly basis and not get tired of it. I type really really fast, and pretty darn accurately as well. I play several musical instruments, well, played at one point anyway. I'm horribly out of practice on all of them, though I would really love to start playing piano and singing again. I miss dancing, and the social aspect that it brought into my life, and feeling like I'm flying/floating across the floor. I don't look like I think I do. When I look in the mirror it's like I'm looking at someone else a lot of the time. I love reading. it's an easy way to explore new places, countries, cities, lands, and worlds. It's interesting to read about other people's lives, whether fictional or not, and see how they react to certain circumstances, and wonder what I might do in the same situation. I didn't like reading until college when I took a Shakespeare class. After that class I quickly changed my major to English Literature. I've never known what I want to do when I "grow up." The last few years I've learned that I'm fairly stubborn, and like things to be done in a certain way. Having a one year old is making me more aware of this, and that it's alright if he doesn't do things exactly the same way that I would do it. I don't have a favorite color. I don't consider myself a strong person. I love driving in familiar areas, especially in cooler weather with the windows down. I still miss my 1987 jeep. It was my first car, it was trashed, and i loved it. I don't feel like I have to wear makeup every day. I want to be more creative. I'm good at copying other people's ideas, just not so good at coming up with them on my own. I have been in love more than once. I have had my heart broken more than once, by the same person. I have broken more than one heart. I like going on adventures, even if it's something stupid and simple. So long as it's an "adventure" I don't care what it is. I want to break this entry up into paragraphs, but since there are no cohesive thoughts longer than a few sentences it seems pointless, or over-done. I like organizing things, just not my own house. I'm a procrastinator. I love a good thunder, lightning and rain storm. Extreme wind scares me. I can watch the rain or snow fall for hours. I love the sound of snow crunching under my foot.
new things i learned about you: i didn't know you had a first major to have been able to change it over to english lit?!?! nor did i know that you don't look like what you think you like. but it makes perfect sense. i didn't realize that you love adventures... and camping in the next few weeks will be just that! and i was just thinking about how you love thai food today and i have no idea why and snow crunching underneath you is a fabulous sound.
love this.
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