Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Four Months

K has officially made it through the first four months of his life, and this kid is a funny little spazz. He's cooing, eating his hands, trying to roll over, drooling, making raspberries etc. He still spits up on top of all of this, so he's generally a sloppy wet mess, but he's cute!

Length: 25 inches - 75%
Weight: 17 lbs 10 oz - 95%
Head Circ: 43 cm - 75%

He's a big kid.

I'm thoroughly amazed that he's been able to gain this much weight when he has reflux. He spits up about 2 oz of each feeding. He's just overall a big kid. I thought that Noah was a big baby, but at 4 months he was 14 lbs 10 oz, and 24 inches. K has him beat by quite a bit.

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