Sunday, March 4, 2012

Snowy Owl

Noah officially has his first imaginary friend. He's been around for about a week now. His name is Snowy Owl. He's a Snowy Owl. And he eats chocolate ice cream for dinner, and gets his hair cut at Wal-Mart.  He flies around our house fairly often, and almost always follows us when we're driving somewhere in the car.  

At one point I hadn't heard about snowy owl for a while so I asked Noah where he was.  I was told "He died.  He ran into that fence and got blood in his mouth, so I put him in this tree.  This is where I keep all my dead animals.  He'll be alive again tomorrow".

Sometimes Snowy Owl has other friends that fly around with us, and sometimes he brings a giant with him as well.

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